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OS500 Face Recognition Engine

(A Singapore Product. Research & Developed by Trakomatic)


Built for your global needs with advantage in South East Asia

Trakomatic's OS500 facial recognition engine is developed entirely based on the south east asian context. Compared with many other facial recognition engines that has challenges in recognising darker skin individuals, our engine is able to confidently identify an individual from any of the various dominant ethnic races (Chinese, Indian, Malay) in the south east asian region.


Our engine has also being accredited for accuracy & robustness in various environments by Gov Agencies in Singapore.

Face Recognition SDK or Face API

Our face recognition engine enables efficient and accurate processing of faces either through images or live videos. Be it Face Verification, Face Detection or other types of facial recognition requirements, our engine is able to support you to embed facial recognition into your applications quickly & easily either on the cloud, at the edge or for a totally offline solution.

Facial Recognition Features

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We welcome enquiries from distributors & resellers. Please send an email to us at for Enquiry.  

We welcome enquiries from distributors & resellers. Please send an email to us at for Enquiry.  

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